Supporting the NHS in the Midlands with its 4th Purpose: Contributing to Broader Social and Economic Development

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Building on a recent event at Charnwood Campus, “Innovation, Productivity and Health Inequalities: A Road Map for Leicestershire” the Campus, Midlands Engine, NHS England, NHS Confederation and the Department of Health and Social Care came together in Nov 2024 to deliver the first Midlands wide stakeholder engagement event to help our ICSs to deliver a Midlands wide platform to share work, learn from each other and work together. The report outputs of this work have now been published, to coincide with the launch of the Midlands Stakeholder Collaborative Support Platform.

Gosia Khrais, Commercial and Marketing Manager of Charnwood Campus, Science Innovation and Technology Park commented; “We are delighted to see the launch of the Midlands Stakeholder Collaborative Support Platform as an output from our Stakeholder Event. This is an outstanding example of how the region can work in partnership with a common goal, when we are committed to improving health and socioeconomic outcomes. As a part of the Midlands NHS Anchors/ICS 4th Purpose Collaboration Steering Group, we will be working to ensure that our life sciences business can benefit from this work.”

To find out how to get involved please reach out to us on and follow the link for the complete report.

This report is jointly owned by DHSC, NHS Midlands, Midlands Engine, NHS Confederation and Charnwood Campus. It is not a DHSC-owned publication. This report is intended for systems and partners in the Midlands to support NHS ICBs with its 4th purpose- “contributing to local social and economic development”. Please feel free to share as widely as you see fit. For any queries, please contact the deputy chair of the Midlands 4th Purpose/Anchor Collaborative Steering Group

View the report here.

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